Thanks for sharing and translating.
You're doing a great job with Reclaimed Voices!
more dutch news (english subs)
Thanks for sharing and translating.
You're doing a great job with Reclaimed Voices!
just wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
Mike - The Savior. Sounds great !!
He can do some nice tricks. Must be Magic Mike!
Similarly, the name Jesus Christ is used in prayer to address his role as a redeemer and saviour, whereas the name Michael the archangel has a different purpose as his role as a prince and a warrior and is not used by believers while praying
Then why do Watchtower and JW believers often (or even mostly?) use the name Jesus when discussing his enthronement, or who supposedly kicked out Satan from the heavens, or who is gonna whoop the infidels' asses in Armageddon?
this is not intended to expose wrong teachings etc, just to promote thinking and asking questions.. 1) ask if imperfection and death automatically follow sin.
jw will answer yes.. 2) ask if satan is imperfect then.. 3) sit back and watch them try to work out what the right answer should be.. sf.
In my native language this is even better. The word used for 'perfect' actually implicitly carries the notion of 'having been created perfectly'.
According JW theology Satan, Adam and Eve were all created perfectly. They could never undo that. They might become imperfect by their actions, but they would still have been created perfectly.
By claiming that Satan, Adam and Eve became imperfect, the words used in Dutch imply having been created imperfect'
Not that JW care about any of that....
something occurred to me today.
quite randomly as i was working away at my desk i remembered an illustration from the bible teach book in which satan claimed he knew better than jehovah about ruling mankind.
here's the illustration from chapter 11 of that book:.
Nice one Pale Emperor!
I'm sure the GB and their elders cronies would be quick to mark Jones in such a situation.
(Pun intended ;-)
i've come across a jw friendly article about watchtower predicting smartphones in the 20s.. .
of course, in the comments section there are a lot of jws freaking out saying "there is no doubt that this is the only true organization!
", "thanks jehovah that used his faithful and discreet slave to tell us some useful information about the future!
The writer was more right than he could ever imagine. Right before the highlighted sentences about smart phones he writes:
Conveying ideas by printer's ink has furnished to the opportunity for much cheating and lying. Much of our news has been false propaganda, int the interest of the few, to control and keep in subjection the minds of the many. But ingenious devices are appearing on the horizon that promise to eliminate opportunity for fraud in conveying ideas.
Spot on: Watchtower is going down by means of the internet!
A side note: the first 10 pages of that issue of Golden Age is some weird ass article about girls. Ten. Freaking. Pages.
'out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks'....that also applies to Jesus I guess?
so, i think i’m going to be df’d, but elders are out of town and no decision has been officially reached.
what would happen if i sent a certified overnight letter and said that i was going to disassociate before they have their meeting??.
i know the two conditions are similar, but i’m just curious... dd.
Elders manual states:
A judicial committee should not continue an investigation into alleged wrongdoing if the accused person makes known his decision to disassociate himself. (w84 7/1 p. 31) However, at no time should the elders ask the accused if he desires to disassociate himself. If the elders are handling a particularly difficult case and there is a question about whether the person has disassociated himself, it would be best for the committee to contact the branch office for further direction. If an individual is determined to disassociate himself, then the committee would prepare a summary of the alleged offense(s) and the evidence of such. This would be kept along with information regarding the disassociation. If the person later requests reinstatement, these matters would need to be considered with him at that time.
i have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
I'll make an analogy that you might be able to relate to: In many ways Jehovah's Witnesses operate exactly like street gangs!
Well...if you have to choose, please join the JW. At least they aren't shooting people up or selling drugs.
But if you value your own freedom to make decisions, to live your life as you see fit, you might want to reconsider....
never througt there would be a hq song.. they have become mad..
Their appearance reminds me of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Except their clothes actually match...including their underwear :-D
And that cult does know how to make music...
If I have to watch a cult choir, I'll take LSD LDS any day :-)
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
I recommend reading a book or two on the subject. That way you'll get a structured approach to the topic, as opposed to piecing bits together yourself.
Some I've read and liked (in recommended reading order):
an 'old style' service report for 2017 has been published on jw org.
so far it appears to be only for igbo language..ụkwọ/2017-service-year-report-of-jehovahs-witnesses-worldwide/.
i wonder if this is a fuck up, or other languages will be posted later, or igbo readers can have this while others can't?.
Thanks Darkspilver!
I wasn't paying attention....